Revolutionary Wright Standers

Wright Standers Commercial Range

Wright Standers

Why choose a Wright Stander? 

Reduces Lower Back Strain: Standing is more ergonomic than sitting, which can cause hip and back fatigue over time.

Less Trimming, More Cutting: The Stander’s compact design allows for easier access to tight spots, reducing trimming time.

Boosts Efficiency: High productivity helps complete tasks faster while saving fuel.

Easy Bail-Out for Safety: Open platform design lets operators quickly exit if needed.

Avoid Overhead Obstacles: Duck easily thanks to the open platform when facing low-hanging obstacles.

Fits More on Trailers: Shorter length allows more mowers on a trailer and easier unloading.

Agile and Powerful: Combines the agility of walk-behinds with the speed and power of Z mowers.

Optimal Weight Distribution: Balanced design ensures better handling by placing key components near the center of rotation.